Terra Ferra

The World of Terra Fere a wargame campaign

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The Pre-dawn at Keller docks

General Andreus Raparger surveyed the individual in front of him. Had he ever seen a less military figure in uniform? The uniform straining to encompass the girth of the individual suggested it had not been worn since it had been originally issued some years ago, while at the same its crumpled nature suggested it had been slept in. Both options were probably true the General mused as he regarded Lt. Werner Kessler, Commodore of the newly constituted Kellerite Navy. A few short weeks ago Kessler and his men constituted a small customs and policing agency of the bishopric, reservists in the army it was true but almost totally independent of military control and disciple. Now the lowly and it must be said portly middle aged lieutenant was duly incorporated into the military machine which was about to be hurled across the great river at Hoysee. “Well Lieutenant, is all ready?” Raparger was well aware that nether he nor Kessler thought there were not enough transports undertake the operation they had been set.

“Yes sir, at least as ready as we can be. The initial loading of your landing force is underway as we speak. Once landed each steamer will return to the docks and load up with the follow on troops. It will however take a couple of days to land your men and then, as you know we will be committed to simply supplying your brigade. Until more vessels can be procured.” Raparger nodded. The need for secrecy had limited how many river vessels could be acquired and the general firmly hoped once that need was no longer a requirement more vessels could be pressed into service and the full division moved across to the far bank. “And the escorts?” he indicated the 5 vessels moored a few yards away.

The lieutenant turned and surveyed the motley collection of five river steamers. “ We will set sail in an hour to be in position before you set off.” he commented, “ The 'star' will travel downstream to guard against any movement from that direction. The other four I will take upstream towards Klien-Hoysee. The 'Jakob Pastor' is stationed there and is the main threat, at least initially.” He paused studying both the men how were busy loading the last of the supplies and the hastily converted warships. Bails of flax festooned the decks to act as some protection at least. While a varied array of cannon pocked out along their sides. Not much to send up against a proper ironclad steam vessel, but it was all Keller had. The general followed Kessler's gaze. “Will you be able to stop the 'Jakob Pastor'?” He asked. The lieutenant straightened his back. “I can guarantee that the 'Jakob' will not interfere with you landing today sir.” he assured.

“And tomorrow?” Raparger asked. “Ahh that depends on how many of us are still around tomorrow”, the portly man replied, “ Now if the General will excuse me I must be off.” . With no more ado he turned and left the general on the dockside. Tomorrow he must discuss with the lieutenant about the military cutesy of saluting a senior officer but until then the general hoped the lieutenant was military enough.

the_pre-dawn_at_keller.1470739000.txt.gz · Last modified: 09/08/2016 10:36 by mikep